It is our vision to be a dynamic and diverse spiritual family that embodies the presence and power of Jesus in our world!

We believe that it is our mission as a called-out people to be the hearts that hold God's love, the mouths that speak God's truth, the hands that give God's grace, and the feet that carry God's peace.



We believe that there is one God eternally existing in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere all at once. We believe that this God reveals Himself and His will for us in His word, the Bible, and that it was written by men inspired by the Spirit to reveal the truth we need for salvation and righteous living.

We believe that, according to the Bible, humanity was created in God's image to walk in the fullness of life and perfect fellowship with Him, but because we chose disobedience, all of us come under the penalty of sin, which is death. However, we believe that God loved us so much that He gave us the gracious gift of Jesus Christ—God in the flesh—to die in our place and restore us to eternal life with our Creator.

We believe that salvation is a free gift from God that cannot be earned by human effort or goodness. It is the result of Jesus' atoning death on the cross where He paid the sin debt that we owed, even though He Himself was innocent. We believe that God leaves the choice to each of us whether we remain under His wrath against sin or come into the grace of His forgiveness and mercy in Christ. We claim the free gift that God offers by putting our faith in Jesus and confessing that we believe He is God's Son and our Savior (Romans 10:9-10), and by repenting of a sinful life and being born again in water baptism by immersion (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16).

We believe that baptism is a necessary step back into a right relationship with God because it was commanded in scripture for the washing away of sins (Acts 22:16). It is not a work that we do, but rather something that we allow to be done to us in submission to the pattern of the gospel—a spiritual burial into the death of Jesus and a resurrection to a new life with Him (Romans 6:4).

We believe that God gives us His Holy Spirit to live within believers and provide the encouragement, hope, and peace that we need to live victoriously for Jesus until He comes again. We believe that the Spirit empowers us to fulfill our purpose to bear the image of God by recreating us to reflect His righteous character.


We believe that God made from one blood all the peoples and nations of the earth, and that every human being was created in His image. We believe that while God chose the children of Israel (the Jewish people) through which to bring His plan of redemption to fruition, people of every nationality can have life in Christ, whose spiritual Body is the church.

As His church, we cherish the opportunities God gives us to learn from one another and to grow together into the people His grace calls us to be. We believe in fellowshipping regularly as we worship in unity and encourage each other to good works and godliness. We believe in the importance of faithfully studying the word of God together and diligently seeking His will for our lives. We believe in joining together for communion to remember Jesus' sacrifice for us all and to be mutually sustained by His body and blood. We believe in praying for one another fervently and lifting one another up as we go through the struggles of this life.

We also celebrate the diversity of Christ's spiritual kingdom and rejoice in the different gifts, personalities, and experiences He has placed in the body. We believe in hearing one another and seeing one another. And we believe in making a safe space for all who come to seek the Savior with us, regardless of culture, background, social status, or anything else that divides us in the world. We are committed to learning to love each other and to walk as one in Jesus.


We believe that the function of the Body is to carry out the will of the Head, and so our aim is to be as Jesus was in the world. We seek to minister individually and collectively in ways that show God's love and then point them to the ultimate expression of that love—Jesus Christ Himself—as the source of their salvation.

We believe in continuing the Lord's ministry of restoration, lifting up those who have fallen down under the burdens of this life and reminding them of God's unchanging love and constant care for them. We believe that God's grace is able to redeem us from addiction, mental illness, abuse and neglect, the pains of poverty, and every other form of human brokenness so that we can experience healing, health, and wholeness in Him.

We also believe in continuing the Lord's ministry of reconciliation, preaching the good news of salvation and eternal life with the Father in heaven. We believe that the gospel message is infused with divine power to deliver us from death, and that it is our great duty and privilege to teach others the same truth that has set us free. We believe that Jesus Christ is mankind's one and only hope for salvation and that we must use our collective gifts and resources to make that saving message known in our community and throughout the world.