Our Mission: Connecting precious souls to a powerful Savior through purposeful service!

Walking in Newness

This year we are focusing on Romans 6:4 - "Therefore, we were buried together with him through baptism into his death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too can walk in newness of life"


Casual, Comfortable Attire
9:30am Sunday Study
10:30am Sunday Worship
6:00pm Wednesday Study


Join us in spirit and in truth, as we celebrate our faith and salvation together. We are imperfect people worshiping a perfect God.


We're committed to laying our gifts of time and talent at the feet of Jesus for the growth of his kingdom. Learn more about the ways we give and serve.

The Master's Plan

“The Master's Plan” is our church family's roadmap to the future. After many months of collective prayer and planning, we identified four targeted areas of growth.

Bristol Road Church of Christ, a Family of Faith

The Bristol Road Church of Christ, a Family of Faith is dedicated to the mission of encouraging individuals in their next step with Jesus Christ. Whether you are skeptical of spirituality, interested in learning more about God, or have been a Christ-follower for many years, we believe that God calls us to continually take next steps in a growing relationship with Him!

We are not perfect. We don’t have all the answers. We fall short.

But that is the Good News – that even in our weakness, our misunderstandings, and our imperfections God calls us His children and calls us to grow in Him. We believe an important part of this journey in taking next steps in Jesus Christ is to commit oneself to a shared discipleship with a body of believers in a local church. We hope to be that church body for you and your family!


In Peace
